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    Evening Prayers

    For Every Day of the Year

    Foreword by Eugen Jäckh

    4.56 Stars on Goodreads Read Reviews

    We want to turn to God at the end of each day, but often don't find the words to express our deepest feelings and longing. This collection of prayers is one of the few daily devotionals especially intended for use in the evening.

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    About The Book

    We want to turn to God at the close of each day, but often don’t find the words to express our deepest feelings. This collection of prayers is one of the few daily devotionals especially intended for use in the evening.

    Blumhardt’s words bespeak a certainty in God’s nearness. The peace that flows from them comes from a firm conviction that God’s kingdom is indeed on the way. In challenging times like our own, this reassurance can bring us serenity each evening of the year.


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