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    Living for Christ in the Daily Grind

    Foreword by Henri J. M. Nouwen

    4.04 Stars on Goodreads Read Reviews

    Sometimes sensitive, sometimes provocative, but always encouraging, Arnold guides readers toward leading Christlike lives amid the stress and strain of modern life. With free study guide and leader's guide.

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    About The Book

    Sometimes sensitive, sometimes provocative, but always encouraging, Arnold guides readers toward leading Christlike lives amid the stress and strain of modern life. Perhaps the hardest thing about following Christ is translating our good intentions into deeds. Christ calls us, and we yearn to answer him, but time and again we lose resolve. Is discipleship really possible today? Many of the selections in this book offer answers to specific needs or problems. Others grapple with broader themes such as world suffering, salvation, and the coming of the kingdom of God. All of them pulsate with conviction and compassion, giving fresh hope to those who find themselves lonely or disheartened in the daily search to follow Christ.

    Softcover, 5.5 x 8.5
    ISBN: 978-0874868760

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    Table of Contents

    The Disciple

    • The Inner Life
    • Repentance
    • Conversion
    • Faith
    • Dogmatism
    • Commitment
    • the Lower Nature
    • Purity
    • Trust
    • Reverence
    • Surrender
    • Sincerity

    The Church

    • The Church
    • Community
    • Leadership
    • Gifts
    • Forgiveness
    • Unity
    • Church Discipline
    • Baptism
    • The Lord’s Supper
    • Love and Marriage
    • Family Life
    • Illness and Death
    • Evil and Darkness
    • The Fight
    • World Suffering
    • Mission

    The Kingdom of God

    • Jesus
    • the Living Word
    • the Cross
    • Salvation
    • the Holy Spirit
    • the Kingdom of God