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    Digitized portions of the archives of The Plough which first appeared as a German-language biweekly Das neue Werk in 1920.

    The Plough, 1938–1940

    The Plough, March 1938, vol. 1 no. 1

    • Eberhard Arnold, “The Mystery of the Early Church”
    • Eberhard Arnold, “St. Francis and Love”
    • Francesca M. Wilson, “Refugees in Catalunia”
    • Leslie Stubbings, “In England Now”
    • Georg Barth/E. C. H. Arnold, “The Hutterian Communities in Five Centuries”
    • J. B. Rusch, “The Aurora Borealis”
    • Anonymous, “The Cotswold Bruderhof”

    The Plough, July 1938, vol. 1 no. 2

    • Eberhard Arnold, “The Individual and World Need”
    • Anonymous, “The Holy Nation”
    • Georg Barth, “Work and Handicraft in the Spiritual Culture of the Church”
    • The Birmingham Community Group, “Easter at the Bruderhof”
    • Stanley Fletcher, “Plan of the Cotswold Bruderhof”

    The Plough, September 1938, vol. 1 no. 3

    • Eberhard Arnold, “The God Mammon”
    • Frederick Vogt, “The Kingdom of God Is at Hand”
    • Karl Kilsmo, “The Present Religious Situation in Sweden”
    • Karl Keiderling, “I Was In Prison and Ye Visited Me”
    • David Hofer, “The Dissolution of the Rhön Bruderhof”
    • J. Middleton Murry, “The Way to Community”
    • G. J., “No Man Can Serve Two Masters”

    The Plough, December 1938, vol. 1 no. 4

    • Emmy Arnold, “Expectation and Fulfilment”
    • Old Folk Tale, “The Legend of Heliopher”
    • Eberhard Arnold, “The God Mammon (continued)”
    • E. C. H. Arnold, “The Connection of Quakers to the Hutterian Communities”
    • Nicolai Scheierman, “An Appeal for Gathering”
    • The Editors, “The Need of Refugees”

    The Plough, Spring 1939, vol. 2 no. 1

    • Eberhard Arnold, “Our Responsibility for the Nation and for Humanity”
    • Alan Cavalier, “The Moon Parable”
    • Claus Felbinger, “The Church and the World”
    • Eric Gill, “Religion Is Politics: Politics Is Brotherhood: Brotherhood Is Poverty”
    • Erik Andersson, “Practical Community Life in Sweden”
    • Bruce Sumner, “The Cotswold Bruderhof”
    • Leslie Stubbings, “The Bubbling Spring”
    • The Editors, “A Further Appeal for Help for Refugees”

    The Plough, Summer 1939, vol. 2 no. 2

    • E. C. H. Arnold, “The Call of the Hour”
    • Claus Felbinger, “The Church and the World (continued)”
    • J. G. Ewert, “Hutterian Brothers and Conscription”
    • The Elmsett Community, “The Elmsett Community”
    • Johann Heinrich Arnold, “The New Bruderhof Community at Oaksey”
    • Winifred Bridgwater, “Hutterian Brothers In Brazil?”

    The Plough, Autumn 1939, vol. 2 no. 3

    • Eberhard Arnold, “Our Approach to Education”
    • Gertrud Hüssy, “The Life of the Bruderhof Children”
    • Monika E. Trümpi, “With Our Tiniest”
    • Gertrude Vigar, “Our Toddlers”
    • Dorli Bolli, “A Ramble with Little Folk”
    • Bessie Harries, “Life in the Nursery School”
    • Anne Marie Arnold, “Concerning the Work of the Pre-school”
    • Kathleen E. Hasenberg, “How Our Children Learn English”
    • Balthasar Trümpi, “Concerning the Life of the Junior School”
    • Emi-Margret Zumpe, “The Child in the Children’s Community and Family”

    The Plough, Winter 1939, vol. 2 no. 4

    • M. K., “A Fairy-Tale”
    • Claus Felbinger, “The Church and the World (concluded)”
    • “A Talk by Professor P. C. Hsu”
    • Community Service Committee, “Community and the Challenge to the Present”

    The Plough, Spring 1940, vol. 3 no. 1

    • Eberhard Arnold, “Christians and the State”
    • Stanley Fletcher, “But of That Day and Hour Knoweth No Man”
    • Laurence Housman, “St. Francis, The Man”
    • J. Heinrich Arnold, “Christ or Civilization?”
    • Herbert G. Wood, “Quakerism and War”
    • Georg Barth, “The Message of the Prophet Daniel”

    The Plough, Summer 1940, vol. 3 no. 2

    • The Brotherhood, “Our Pledge”
    • E. C. H. Arnold, “The Peace of God”
    • Eberhard Arnold, “Why We Live in Community”
    • Emmy Arnold, “From the Old Life to the New”
    • The Editors, “Concerning the Bruderhof Communities”

    The Plough, 1953–1957

    The Plough, Spring 1953, vol. 1 no. 1

    • Philip Britts, “Men and Brothers; What Shall We Do?”
    • Eberhard Arnold, “Love Redeemed”
    • Alfred Delp, “The Christian in the World”
    • Llewelyn Harries, “Impressions of the Friends’ World Conference”
    • Hans Bloeker, “Three New Beginnings in Ten Years”

    The Plough, Summer 1953, vol. 1 no. 2

    • Jere Bruner, “Power Which Is Person”
    • Franz Dressler, “The Social Responsibility of Christians”
    • Oscar Pfister, “The Problem of Fear and Its Solution”
    • E. C. H. Arnold, “The Jesus Homes in China”
    • Leslie Stubbings, “Community Groups in England – Observations and Impressions”

    The Plough, Autumn 1953, vol. 1 no. 3

    • Emmy Arnold, “Eberhard Arnold's Life and Work”
    • Eberhard Arnold, “From Lectures and Writings”
      • “The Character of Love”
      • “The Old Creation and the New”
      • “The Rule of the Spirit”
      • “Peace and Justice”
      • “From Private Property to Community”
      • “The Way to Unity”
      • “The Church Community”
    • Anonymous, “News of the Bruderhof Communities: Conference in Paraguay”

    The Plough, Winter 1953, vol. 1 no. 4

    • Stanley Fletcher, “Christmas 1953”
    • Werner Bergengruen, “Tradition and Reality”
    • Wenceslao Jaime, Teresa Hsu, Paula Thÿssen, “And on Earth Peace among Men”
    • Traindel Kleiner, “Subtropical Christmas”
    • Francis Hall, “A Visit to Primavera”
    • Jennifer Harries, “Youth Trip to Germany”

    The Plough, Spring 1954, vol. 2 no. 1

    • Eberhard Arnold, “Friedrich Nietzsche and Christianity”
    • Margret Böning, “Personal Recollections of Käthe Kollwitz”
    • Dorothy Day, “The Catholic Worker Movement”
    • Hector Black, “Oak Street Parish”
    • Buford Tribble, “Birmingham Bull Ring”

    The Plough, Summer 1954, vol. 2 no. 2

    • Artur Mettler, “The Spirit of Prophecy: The Role of the People of God”
    • Eberhard Arnold, “Friedrich Nietzsche and Christianity (concluded)”
    • Robert Wilbrandt, “An Economy of Surrender”
    • Anonymous, “New Bruderhof Beginning in North America”
    • Anonymous, “Community Attempts in California”

    The Plough, Autumn 1954, vol. 2 no. 3

    • Paula Thijssen, “Community the Outcome of Christian Belief”
    • Ching T’ien Ying, “Account of the Jesus Homes”
    • Robert Wilbrandt, “An Economy of Surrender (concluded)”
    • Pearl Hall, “The New American Bruderhof”
    • John Robinson, “Paraguayan Cameos: Our Neighbours”
    • Harry Barron, “Paraguayan Cameos: Operation Wood Gas Plant”

    The Plough, Winter 1954, vol. 2 no. 4

    • Fritz Wenzel, “The Message of Francis of Assisi”
    • Henrik F. Infield, “French Communities of Work”
    • Maureen Burn, “Hospital at Primavera”
    • Stan Ehrlich, “Are We Made for a Brotherly Life?”
    • Margot Brinkmann, “Impressions of a First Visit to Germany”
    • Anonymous, “Our Bruderhof House in Germany”

    The Plough, Spring 1955, vol. 3 no. 1

    • Lewis Benson, “The Greatness of Our Cause”
    • Artur Mettler, “How Community Began among the Anabaptists”
    • Harry Viteles, “Kibbutzim in Eretz-Yisrael”
    • Lee Kleiss, “Vinoba Bhave and India’s Landless Peasants”
    • Naboth Mokgatle, “African Land Hunger in South Africa”

    The Plough, Autumn 1955, vol. 3 no.3

    • Eberhard Arnold, “Studies in the Sermon on the Mount; ‘But I Say Unto You...’”
    • Philip Britts, “Paraguayan Reflections: Behind Nature, Plants in the Tropical Sunlight”
    • Derrick P. Faux, “Agape: A Community in Italy, Impressions of a Visit”
    • Tullio Vinay, “Search after Community”
    • Grace Rhoads, “All in the Day's Work”
    • Heloise Brainerd, “A Visitor to Woodcrest”

    The Plough, Winter 1955, vol. 3 no. 4

    • Eberhard Arnold, “Studies in the Sermon on the Mount: 'Salt and Light'”
    • Eivind Berggrav, “Solitude and Community”
    • E. C. H. Arnold, “How Hutterian Community Was Restored: Bicentenary of Carinthian Emigration to Transylvania”
    • Harry Fossard, “Paraguayan Cameos: Brothers for a Day”
    • Audrey Williams, “Paraguayan Cameos: ‘Dear Children’”

    The Plough, Spring 1956, vol. 4 no. 1

    • Christoph Blumhardt, “We Want to Do Deeds with God”
    • Stan Ehrlich, “Is This Escape?”
    • Hans Zumpe, “In Germany Today: What Is Our Task?”
    • Arlo Tatum, “The Bruderhof and German C.O.s”
    • Emmy Arnold, “Return to Europe”
    • Anne Gale, “Teaching and Learning Together”
    • Margarethe Böning, “Children and Art”

    The Plough, Summer 1956, vol. 4 no. 2

    • Anonymous, “The Sermon on the Mount—In Our Time”
    • Hans Zumpe, “A New Creation”
    • Bram Burger, “Our Relationship To God”
    • J. T. C., “Search for True Family Life: An American Woman’s Experience”
    • Derrick Faux, “Outreach through a Common Language”

    The Plough, Autumn 1956, vol. 4 no. 3

    • Friedrich Wilhelm Foerster, “Cross and Brotherhood”
    • Llewelyn Harries, “Christian Pacifism”
    • Don Peters, “Men and Their Work”
    • Marguerite Frost, “The Heritage of a Shaker”
    • M. Catherine Allen, “The New Society”

    The Plough, Winter 1956, vol. 4 no. 4

    • Llewelyn Harries, “Christian Pacifism”
    • Hans Joachim Schoeps, “An Encounter with Eberhard Arnold”
    • Emmy Arnold, “Hans-In-Luck”
    • Anonymous, “Growing Up in Community”
    • Marjorie Parker-Gray, “A Year In Asunción”

    The Plough, Spring 1957, vol. 5 no. 1

    • Philip Britts, “The Essential Conflict”
    • Artur Mettler, “Heaven as Pattern of Earth”
    • Maureen Burn, “Visit to a Leper Colony”
    • Francis Hall, “Inter-Bruderhof Conference”
    • Burgel Zumpe, “Fire at Woodcrest”
    • Claus Siewert, “Young People’s Concern”

    The Plough, Summer 1957, vol. 5 no. 2

    • Derek Wardle, “Britain and the ‘H’ Bomb”
    • Gwynn Evans, “The Prophetic Spirit”
    • Eberhard Arnold, “Life-Community: A Power We Seek”
    • New Members, “A New Direction in Life”
    • K. K. Chandy, “Report of the Christavashram”

    The Plough, Autumn 1957, vol. 5 no. 3

    • Thomas R. Kelly, “The Nature of Holy Obedience”
    • Francis B. Hall, “Challenge”
    • Artur Mettler, “Count Zinzendorf”
    • Derek Wardle, “Common Concern”

    The Plough, Winter 1957, vol. 5 no. 4

    • Eberhard Arnold, “Love Demands Action”
    • Dietrich Bonhoeffer, “Peace Must Be Dared”
    • Artur Mettler, “Where Is the Church Now?”
    • Eric Phillips, “Barriers Can Fall”
    • Belinda Manley, “Toy Thanksgiving”

    The Plough, 1958

    The Plough, Summer 1958, vol. 1 no. 1

    • Editorial, “No Peace Without Peacemakers”
    • Artur Mettler, “Switzerland: A New Perspective”
    • Anonymous, “News of the Bruderhof Communities”

    The Plough, Autumn 1958, vol. 1 no. 2

    • Editorial, “Citizenship”
    • Bruce Sumner, “Primavera Work Camp”
    • Anonymous, “News of the Bruderhof Communities”

    The Plough, Winter 1958, vol. 1 no. 3

    • Eberhard Arnold, “Christmas Greetings to all Friends of the Bruderhof”
    • Klaus Barth, “Where Do We Find the Real Jesus Today?”
    • Anonymous, “News of the Bruderhof Communities”