green seeds

I felt called to serve and wanted to become a Franciscan; I could see myself giving my life to a community. I spoke to an older Franciscan who suggested that I live and study alongside others in formation but not commit to something yet. So I enrolled in the Franciscan School of Theology thinking that I wanted to become a priest. But then I fell in love. I was grateful I had been told to wait. But what should I do next?

I thought back to those nights I spent reading scripture; the Gospel of Matthew spoke to me the most. It includes the Sermon on the Mount and shows Jesus as an amazing, courageous person who challenged everything. It’s baffling. I was like, What? I’m supposed to love my enemies? And it stood out to me that he was called teacher. I thought, I can still do God’s work. We are all called to be like Jesus in one form or another.

An immigrant educator tells why he chose to teach underprivileged children.