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The Church We Need Now
Readers Respond: Issue 14
El Arado Nicaragua
Donuts for Books
Beethoven in Sing Sing
The Spirit of Early Christianity
The Two Ways
Life or Death
Time for a New Reformation
The Unplanned Church
The Church That Grew without Trying
Re-Forming the Church
Poem: Parable
The Renegade Monk
Editors’ Picks Issue 14
The Last of the First Christians
The Church Is Not Made of Cathedrals
Forerunners: Polycarp

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Born in 1957 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Dean Mitchell was raised by his grandmother in Florida and attended the Columbus College of Art and Design. Highly regarded for his watercolors, he is also known for his etchings and work in oil, tempera, acrylic, and pastels. His artwork reflects his concern for ordinary people who go unnoticed, such as street musicians. In his own words, “My paintings are often trying to elevate the underprivileged so I can convey a sense of their dignity and give them a voice in American society. Poor people don’t have material possessions, but they can possess something different, like richness in spirit.”

Dean Mitchell, Blue Angel, from Deep River in My Soul etching series. Reproduced by permission from Dean Mitchell
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