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    men working in a field with palm trees in the background

    Harvest Lullaby


    September 24, 2013

    This poem is taken from a collection of Philip Britts's writings, Water at the Roots: Poems and Insights of a Visionary Farmer.

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    We must wait at home, dear,
    Baby and I,
    Until the blazing harvest sun
    Has left the sky.

    Father is a fieldsman;
    When you were born
    He started out to harvest in
    The shining corn.

    You shall grow the corn, babe,
    When you are strong,
    Working by your father's side
    The daylight long.

    Tall and thick the corn stands,
    Golden and bright,
    And we must wait for father's step
    Until tonight.

    23 January 1943

    Read the book: Water at the Roots: Poems and Insights of a Visionary Farmer




    Golden Wheat
    Contributed By PhilipBritts Philip Britts

    Farmer-poet Philip Britts was born in 1917 in Devon, England. Britts became a pacifist, joined the Bruderhof, and moved to South America during World War II.

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