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    illustration of an orchestra

    Arvo Pärt’s Journey

    In this excerpt from Between Two Sounds, we see the moment when the Estonian composer begins to run afoul of the Soviet regime.

    By Joonas Sildre

    September 5, 2024
    • Juliet Kane

      OK, the point in the Part extract where the political commissar has stuffed his glasses on his forehead and pinches his eye sockets in despair at how "difficult" a case Part is is pure comedy. No printed words needed; the picture tells it all. I laughed in surprise and delight! I've never read a graphic novel before (or is it a comic strip?) I am stunned that the seriousness and beauty of Part's story could be captured in the medium of a graphic novel. AND, that words and pictures could make me want to listen to his music. This is amazing. I'd like to read the whole thing. I've ordered a copy. Thank you.

    From Between Two Sounds: Arvo Pärt’s Journey to His Musical Language.

    excerpt from a graphic novel about Arvo Pärt
    excerpt from a graphic novel about Arvo Pärt
    excerpt from a graphic novel about Arvo Pärt
    excerpt from a graphic novel about Arvo Pärt
    excerpt from a graphic novel about Arvo Pärt
    excerpt from a graphic novel about Arvo Pärt
    excerpt from a graphic novel about Arvo Pärt
    excerpt from a graphic novel about Arvo Pärt
    excerpt from a graphic novel about Arvo Pärt
    excerpt from a graphic novel about Arvo Pärt
    excerpt from a graphic novel about Arvo Pärt
    excerpt from a graphic novel about Arvo Pärt
    excerpt from a graphic novel about Arvo Pärt
    excerpt from a graphic novel about Arvo Pärt








    Contributed By Joonas Sildre Joonas Sildre

    Joonas Sildre is an Estonian comic artist, illustrator, and graphic designer who specializes in biographical books.

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