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Mercenaries out of the Gate
Loneliness at College
An Economy for Anything
The Artist of Memory
Poetry and Prophecy, Dust and Ashes
Editors Picks Issue 22
Carl Sandburg
Covering the Cover: Vocation
The Noonday Demon
Captivated by the First Church
Sometimes I Wince at the Weight of your Hand
Why We Work
Readers Respond: Issue 22
Buccaneer School
The Unchosen Calling
A Life beyond Self
Insights on Vocation
Monks and Martyrs
A Love Stronger than Fear
Now and at the Hour
Icon and Mirror
Dirty Work
Oh, to Weld!
Insights on Work

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Matt Ledger
Brilliant, thank you.
Michael Webster
Great poem and visual interpretation to keep in mind during the holiday shopping season.
D.S. Martin
Thank you for sharing Julian Peters' envisioning of "Buffalo Dust". I suspect Sandburg would be well pleased.