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Streams in the Desert
The Boy and the Bull
This Is My Body
The Greatest Thing Since Sliced Bread
The Ground of Hospitality
Beating the Big Dry
Cows and Elephants
At the Welcome Table I
At the Welcome Table II
Love Is Work
How Shall We Farm?
Why Yemen Starves
Digging Deeper: Issue 20
Cloth and Cup
Editors’ Picks Issue 20
The Necessity of Reverence
A Book to End All Walls
Edna Lewis
The Dead Breed Beauty
Table Fellowship
Covering the Cover: The Welcome Table
Restoring a Creek
What I Stand For Is What I Stand On
Feasting in Kurdistan
The Birthday Party at the End of the World
From Farm to Feast
Readers Respond: Issue 20

Master Woodworker: Paul Sellers

Paul Sellers in his workshop
If you are interested in woodwork and the beauty of craftsmanship with hand tools, you may already have heard about Paul Sellers or have seen his regular YouTube videos. Paul has been working with wood most of his life, and for many years has been on a campaign to bring hand tools back into the workplace. Originally from Stockport, England, he spent some years in Texas but has lived in Oxford for the last decade. He is an advocate of the idea that loving one’s work is an essential part of human existence and considers himself an amateur because he would do what he does regardless of whether or not he was paid. “I’ve faced hard times in my life; who hasn’t? Sometimes we look for recovery in an instant, sometimes just by keeping busy doing things, but then there are times when only creative handwork can fix the broken. I love that more and more people find peace in silent places of working.”
Book Launch: The Heart’s Necessities
What are the heart’s necessities? It’s a question Jane Tyson Clement (1917–2000) asked herself over and over, both in her poetry and in the way she lived. Her observation of the seasons of the soul and of the natural world have made her poems beloved to many readers, most recently singer-songwriter Becca Stevens, who has given Jane’s poetry new life – and a new audience – as lyrics in her songs. This book interweaves Jane’s best poems and the story of her life with commentary by Becca describing how specific poems speak to her own life, passions, and creative process.
Plough will be hosting several events to celebrate the launch of this book. On April 28, Becca will be joined by other artists and members of Jane’s family at The Falcon in Marlboro, New York, for an evening of music and poetry readings. On May 1, she will perform and talk about Jane’s life and poetry at the Rockwood Music Hall in New York City. Plough readers interested in attending these events can visit for more details.
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