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Poem: “World Within”
When Love Seems Impossible
Places to Think with Neighbors
Letters from Readers
Covering the Cover: The Enemy
Thanksgiving Starts in September
The Monsignor versus the Fascists
Do Activists Need Enemies?
The Making of Martyrs
Visions of the Kingdom
Foolhardy Wisdom
Tough Love on the Mount
Walls behind Bars
My Mind, My Enemy
Demining the Sahara
Just Doing What Christians Do
Hating Sinners
Students Brave the Heat
A Russian Christian Speaks Out
The Witching Hour
Enemy Lovers
How God Sees Us
Macedonia Morning
Tim Keller: New York’s Pastor
What Is Time For?
Poem: “South Head, a Wild Surmise”

Riding a thermal ever higher
With its clutched prize, the lammergeier
Forgets the blood sports of the plain
And banks to swoop again, again
Towards one chosen spot. Released,
The femur of a wildebeest,
Bare bone, no flesh or sinew, plummets
Some thirty feet to a cliff summit’s
Rock ledge, whacks it and bounces back
And somersaults but does not crack,
Turns cartwheels threatening to kiss
The sheer brink of the precipice,
And gradually comes to rest,
Unshatterable. Too possessed
By purpose to grow bored or tire,
Time after time the lammergeier
Retrieves the hunk of limb and flies
Aloft to repeat the exercise.
At last the perfect placement strikes
The thigh-bone into shards and spikes,
Sharp delicacies to excite
That strange and perilous appetite.
With the sickening precision seen
In a sword-swallower’s routine,
It juggles and contrives to get
A gizzard-skewering bayonet
Of bone into its gaping beak
And gulp, with aeons of technique,
The full length, inch by gruesome inch,
Down its gullet, and does not flinch.
There hardly seems the room to slide
That stomach-puncturing blade inside
Its body. It does not slump or stagger.
Then picks out one more jagged dagger.

Photograph: Noel Reynolds, Lammergeier (Gypaetus barbatus), 2008.
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Rhoda Byler Yoder
Thank you, Stephen Edgar! What a powerful poem. What a strange and inspiring bird.