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    Under the Siege of the Divine

    With woodcuts by Robert McGovern

    3.86 Stars on Goodreads

    The renowned poet, priest, and activist brings to life his namesake and role model, the biblical prophet Daniel.

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    About The Book

    Daniel Berrigan’s powerful, poetic commentary on the biblical book of Daniel brings to life a prophet who has as much to say to our hedonistic, warring world as he did to the people of Old Testament times. Continuing the series he began with Isaiah and Ezekiel, Berrigan fuses social critique, Jewish midrash, and political commentary to bring us a book of stylistic distinction and spiritual depth. 

    A bold and unorthodox application of the Old Testament to current political and social discourse, Daniel is not simply a book about a bygone prophet, but a powerful charge to all people of conscience. As Berrigan writes, “There are principalities of today to be confronted, their idols and thrice-stoked furnaces and caves of lions, their absurd self-serving images and rhetoric. Someone must pink their pride, decode the handwriting on the wall. Who is to stand up, to withstand?”

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    Table of Contents

    Introit: Under the Siege of the Divine

    1. Taming the Beasts and the King of the Beasts
    2. The Rock That Grew and Filled the Earth
    3. Who Shall Perish, and Who Be Delivered
    4. The Writing on the Wall
    5. Daniel and the Two Decrees
    6. Daniel Also Dreams; The Four Beasts
    7. The Time of Indignation, the Time of the End
    8. The Borrowing and Lending of Prophecy
    9. Daniel, Sent
    10. The End Is Not Yet, But Nears