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    The Living Word

    Inner Land – A Guide into the Heart of the Gospel, Volume 5

    4.6 Stars on Goodreads Read Reviews

    What makes the Bible more than ink on paper?

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    About The Book

    The living word, Eberhard Arnold writes, is greater than the words of the Bible, which even the devil used to tempt Jesus. The scriptures on their own can never produce the righteousness, mercy, and faithfulness that count before God. But when the Holy Spirit speaks this living word into the hearts of those who have set out on the way of discipleship to Christ, the deepest meaning of the scriptures are opened up to them. Those who have accepted this living word, which never contradicts the Bible, also agree with one another. Transformed from within, they receive the strength, clarity, and unity they need to carry out the task God has given them — to make God’s kingdom a reality on earth.

    The final volume of five in Inner Land, The Living Word includes a preface by Eberhard Arnold’s son J. Heinrich Arnold, who has written elsewhere: “My father not only believed that Inner Land was the most important book he had written; he also believed and told me that he included in this book everything in his life he had ever experienced of Christ, of the suffering of humankind, of the murderous spirit of mammon, of human life and divine life altogether.”

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