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    Thunder in the Soul

    To Be Known by God

    Edited by Robert Erlewine
    Foreword by Susannah Heschel

    4.46 Stars on Goodreads Read Reviews

    Like the Hebrew prophets before him, the great American rabbi and civil rights leader reveals God’s concern for this world and each of us.

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    About The Book

    Abraham Joshua Heschel, descended from a long line of Orthodox rabbis, fled Europe to escape the Nazis. He made the insights of traditional Jewish spirituality come alive for American Jews while speaking out boldly against war and racial injustice.

    Heschel brought the fervor of the Hebrew prophets to his role as a public intellectual. He challenged the sensibilities of the modern West, which views science and human reason as sufficient. Only by rediscovering wonder and awe before mysteries that transcend knowledge can we hope to find God again. This God, Heschel says, is not distant but passionately concerned about our lives and human affairs, and asks something of us in return.

    This little book, which brings together Heschel’s key insights on a range of topics, will reinvigorate readers of any faith who hunger for wonder and thirst for justice. 

    Plough Spiritual Guides briefly introduce the writings of great spiritual voices of the past to new readers.

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    Table of Contents

    1. Every Moment Touches Eternity
    2. The Only Life Worth Living
    3. In the Presence of Mystery
    4. The Prophets Show Us God Cares
    5. God Demands Justice
    6. Modernity Has Forfeited the Spirit
    1. Prayer Is Being Known by God
    2. A Pattern for Living
    3. The Deed Is Wiser than the Heart
    4. Something Is Asked of Us
    5. Faith Is an Act of the Spirit
    6. Not Our Vision of God but God’s Vision of Us