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    Cries from the Heart

    Stories of Struggle and Hope

    Foreword by Robert Coles

    4 Stars on Goodreads Read Reviews

    If you've ever felt that praying was like talking to a wall, the last thing you need is another book that holds out religion like a good-luck charm. Where has the real God gone? Arnold tells stories about real men and women with very real problems finding strength to face life's challenges.

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    About The Book

    Cries from the Heart answers a specific hunger millions share - a longing for a personal connection to the divine. In times of crisis, all of us reach for someone,or something, greater than ourselves. Some call it prayer. Others just do it. For many, it's often like talking to a wall. People are looking for assurance that someone hears them when they cry out in their despair, loneliness, or frustration. The last thing they need is another book telling them how to pray or what to say, holding out religion like a good-luck charm. So instead of theorizing or preaching, Johann Christoph Arnold tells stories about real men and real women dealing with adversity. Their difficulties - which range from extreme to quite ordinary and universal - resonate with readers, offering a challenge, but also comfort and encouragement. People will see themselves in these glimpses of anguish, triumph, and peace.

    Softcover, 5.5 x 8.5
    ISBN: 978-0874869804

    View Table of Contents


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    Table of Contents

    1.  searching – God finds an atheist
    2.  finding – is someone really there?
    3.  believing – even when children die?
    4.  universality – call it what you will
    5.  god’s messengers – angels at work
    6.  emotional suffering – when you can’t pray
    7.  illness – where the doctor leaves off
    8.  despair – talking to a wall 
    9.  attitude – when prayer is difficult
    10.  reverence – meet your maker
    11.  letting go – my will be done
    12.  remorse – when you’ve messed up
    1. protection – alive to tell it 
    2. selflessness – someone needs you 
    3. service – words are not enough 
    4. contemplation – be quiet and listen 
    5. worship – giving thanks in a death camp 
    6. unity – divided we fall 
    7. marriage – unlocking horns
    8. unanswered prayer – isn’t "no" an answer?
    9. miracles – what do you expect?
    10. prayer in daily life – keeping the faith
    11. faithfulness – one thing never changes

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