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    illustration by Andrea Grosso Ciponte of Hans and Sophie Scholl

    We Will Not Be Silent

    With an entire nation blindly following an evil leader, where did a handful of students find the courage to resist?


    February 20, 2025

    Available languages: Deutsch


    From Freiheit! The White Rose Graphic Novel.

    University of Munich, February 18, 1943

    White Rose leaflet: Every people deserves the regime it is willing to endure.
    White Rose leaflet: But now the end is at hand.
    White Rose leaflet: Now it is our task to find one another again.
    White Rose leaflet: To spread information from person to person
    illustration of Sophie Scholl looking at a suitcase of leaflets
    White Rose leaflet: To keep a steady purpose
    White Rose leaflet: To allow ourselves no rest until the last man is persuaded of the urgent need of his struggle against this system.
    illustration of Sophie Scholl carrying a suitcase of leaflets
    illustration of Sophie Scholl walking up stairs
    illustration of Hans and Sophie Scholl
    Hans: Hurry Sophie. Lets go! Sophie: Wait Hans.
    White Rose leaflet: We will not be silent.
    White Rose leaflet: We are your bad conscience.
    illustration of Sophie and Hans Scholl, Christoph Probst, Kurt Huber, Willi Graf, and Alexander Schmorell
    White Rose leaflet: The White Rose will not leave you in peace.
    Four days later: February 22, 1943: Interrogator: Miss Scholl, dont you feel guilty about spreading these writings and helping the resistance while our soldiers fought in Stalingrad? Dont you feel sorry for this? Sophie: No. On the contrary, I believe I have done the best thing that I could for my people. I do not regret anything, and take upon myself the consequences of my actions.
    4:40 pm: Sophie: Such a fine, sunny day, and I have to go...
    What does my death matter, if through us thousands of people awaken and get involved?
    illustration of Sophie Scholls sketch of the word Freiheit
    Executioner: How many do we have today?
    Sophie: In a few minutes we will meet in eternity.
    illustration of Sophie Scholl being lead to her execution

    Sophie Scholl, Hans Scholl, and Christoph Probst were the first three members of the White Rose to be executed, on February 22, 1943. The execution report recorded Hans Scholl’s last words: “Long live freedom.”

    To hear the whole story, get the book.











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    Contributed By AndreaGrossoCiponte Andrea Grosso Ciponte

    Andrea Grosso Ciponte is a Calabrian painter, graphic novelist, filmmaker, and illustrator. He is a professor of computer graphics and digital animation techniques at the Academy of Fine Arts in Catanzaro, Italy.

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