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    Action in Waiting by Christoph Friedrich Blumhardt translated into Telugu

    Action in Waiting in Telugu

    Foreword by Rodney Clapp

    4.14 Stars on Goodreads

    These seventeen essays give a fresh look at the spiritual life as “active expectation” of God’s kingdom breaking into this world. This kingdom is no longer relegated to some afterlife, but takes effect today.

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    About The Book

    “A comfortable Christianity will never change the world…” – Christoph Blumhardt

    Ours is a time of intense searching. Many of us are dissatisfied with what our churches and our society serve up. We hunger for something more: for a faith strong enough to transform ourselves and our world. 

    Enter Christoph Bumhardt. With unbashed fervor, Blumhardt burns away the chaff of modern piety. He proclaims a message that still today, a full century after he first voiced it, has power to stir up the embers of a dying faith, in his quest to get the core-the essentials - of faith, he reduces religious trappings to ashes. And yet his passion encourages, rather than intimidates.

    Blumhardt’s witness profoundly influenced theological giants like Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Karl Barth. But Action in Waiting is not theology; it is too blunt, too earthy, too real. It’s “active expectation” of God’s kingdom shows us that the object of our hope is not relegated to some afterlife. Today, in our world, it can come into its own - if only we are ready.

    For print copies of this book in Telugu, please contact Christian Education Council of India.


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