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    painting of houses

    Plough Quarterly No. 8: Who Is My Neighbor?

    Spring 2016


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    From the Editor

    Who Is My Neighbor? Love of neighbor is not an exalted feeling. It’s tough love. It means accepting risks and sometimes even suffering. But love of neighbor can bring about a shared life of mutual care when our neighbors become our brothers and sisters...


    Love in Syria Upon accepting the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade, Muslim writer Navid Kermani tackled some contested questions. Syria and Iraq, persecuted Christians, the true nature of Islam: Will Western Christians respond, or stay indifferent? Did the Early Christians Understand Jesus? The kingdom Jesus proclaimed was coming – not just soon or in the near future – but now. Hope in the Void How can war veterans come to terms with the moral guilt they may feel after serving active duty? And how can they help us face the reality of our own need for God? Yandell writes from personal experience. Needing My Neighbor “The struggle I was experiencing mirrored what I’d seen my neighbors go through in dealing with their addictions. I found myself making the same excuses I’d heard them make, yet I was still faster to recognize their pride than my own...” Dead Men Live Mark Robie’s family farm is in easement; its future hangs by a thread. Still, he believes Jesus will never fail him. Does he cling to wishful dreams – or to the only real hope there is? Mondays with Mister God Geoff and Bill spend Mondays together, wandering the universe, exploring black holes and the Big Bang and pondering why anyone would want to constrict the Master of the Universe into creating all things in six earth days...

    Personal History

    From Mourning to Praise She became a widow after just seven months of marriage, when her husband was murdered during the Rwandan genocide. Although she survived, she was inwardly shattered. Read how Drocella Nduwimana finds peace and healing – not only for herself... Gripped by the Infinite How did a young woman who once rejected all claims of absolute truth find her way to faith and a meaningful vocation?


    The Danger of Prayer Do we have the faith that through our prayer the status quo can be shattered? That Christ will come among us to judge and save? It is dangerous to call on God in this way, for it means we are ready not only to be lifted up but to be hurled down... Eberhard Arnold: an Appreciation Writing the introduction to Arnold’s book, The Prayer God Answers, Foster describes him as a man who “spoke forcefully against the ... murderous strains of racism and bigotry [and] the heady nationalistic fervor” of Germany in the 1930s.


    Poem: No One Wrings the Air Dry A swift builds her nest, raises her brood, and readies her offspring for the first shock of quiet, dry air.


    The Coming of the King Their playground was sadly dirty, and in the corners were scraps of paper and broken toys, for these were careless children. But suddenly they hear that a king is soon coming to visit them. What happens next? An Easter story.


    Does Faith Breed Violence? Named as this year’s Templeton Prize laureate, Rabbi Sacks explores the origins of human conflict and religious practice in a new book. Is religion an evolutionary stage that must be discarded, or is it still vital to understanding today’s problems?

    Editors’ Picks

    Editors’ Picks Issue 8 Plough’s editors share their best reads of recent weeks. This issue (Plough Quarterly No. 8, Spring 2016) they feature books by Larissa MacFarquar, John Berger, and Robert Cardinal Sarah.

    Family and Friends

    Family and Friends Issue 8 Two new books worth your while, produced by ecumenical groups seeking common ground in Jesus, and a more faithful discipleship to him.

    Another View

    Urban Mansions “Money and things are not what life is all about,” Dean Mitchell once told an interviewer. He paints images of the American South – of common things and people; "people who were giving a lot, but were not getting recognition."


    Readers Respond: Issue 8 Read letters to the editor responding to articles that appeared in Plough's Winter 2016 issue, Mercy.


    Insight: Loving Your Neighbor “Our Lord expects works from us. If you see a sick sister whom you can relieve, never fear losing your devotion; show compassion to her; if she is in pain, feel for it as if it were your own...” Insight: Caring for a Neighbor’s Soul In this letter to a former student, C. S. Lewis encourages her not to give up in a time of personal difficulties. “It is when we notice the dirt that God is most present to us: it is the very sign of his presence.” Insight: Evangelism vs. Neighbor-Love We have two instructions of Jesus – a great commandment, “love your neighbor,” and a great commission, “go and make disciples.” What is the relation between them? Some of us think that if we share the gospel, we have completed our responsibility...


    Neighbors in Rwanda One million Tutsis were killed in the Rwandan genocide of 1994. A yearly commemoration begins each April 7, the day the genocide started. Reflecting on the faith that held her through those days, a survivor expresses her hope for Rwanda’s future.


    Invisible People: Why I Make Portraits of San Diego’s Homeless “While we’re often attracted to images of the rich and famous, too many of us tend to look away from people on the other end of the economic spectrum, the homeless.” Read why artist Neil Shigley makes portraits of homeless people.


    Janusz Korczak Janusz Korczak’s example of courage and nobility was in itself a silent protest against the murderers.

    Featured Authors

    Plough Quarterly Issue 8 Who Is My Neighbor

    About This Issue

    This issue explores what it means to be a good neighbor – to a homeless person, an immigrant, a veteran, a criminal, or even to an enemy in a time of war.

    Cover art: Kevin 51, by Neil Shigley. The artist describes asking Kevin, a homeless man in San Diego, for permission to make his portrait: “I met Kevin near the railroad tracks where there were no businesses and few people. He looked very alone. He pointed to his hospital wristband – perhaps to tell me he was mentally ill. He looked tough and mean from a distance, but up close he seemed the opposite.”

    Plough Quarterly magazines

    About Plough Quarterly

    Plough is an award-winning international magazine of stories, ideas, and culture that appears weekly online and quarterly in print. We also publish a line of books, including literary nonfiction, fiction, and graphic novels. Founded in 1920, Plough asks the big questions: How can we live well together, and what gives life meaning and purpose in a complex world?