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    Bread and Wine

    Readings for Lent and Easter

    and others

    4.22 Stars on Goodreads Read Reviews

    Has there ever been a more hard-hitting, beautifully written, theologically inclusive anthology of writings for Lent and Easter? It’s doubtful. — Publishers Weekly

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    About The Book

    Though Easter is often trivialized by the culture at large, it is still the high point of the religious calendar for millions of people around the world. And for most of them, there can be no Easter without Lent, the season that leads up to it. A time for self-denial, soul-searching, and spiritual preparation, Lent is traditionally observed by daily reading and reflection. This collection will satisfy the growing hunger for meaningful and accessible devotions. Culled from the wealth of twenty centuries, the selections in Bread and Wine are ecumenical in scope, and represent the best classic and contemporary Christian writers. Includes approximately fifty readings on Easter and related themes by Thomas à Kempis, Frederick Buechner, Oswald Chambers, Alfred Kazin, Jane Kenyon, Søren Kierkegaard, Thomas Merton, Henri Nouwen, Christina Rossetti, Edith Stein, Walter Wangerin, William Willimon, Philip Yancey, and others.

    Hardcover, 5 x 7.25
    ISBN: 978-0874869262

    View Table of Contents

    About The Authors

    Dietrich Bonhoeffer

    Unwilling to allow the church to compromise its most fundamental beliefs in the face of Nazism, Dietrich Bonhoeffer worked tirelessly to keep the true spirit of the church alive in Germany. His resistance cost him his life. Read More

    Dorothy Day

    Dorothy Day was an American journalist and founder of the Catholic Worker movement. Day devoted her life to defending the downtrodden and serving Christ by serving the poor. Read More

    Søren Kierkegaard

    Søren Kierkegaard was a Danish philosopher, theologian, poet, social critic, and spiritual writer. Read More

    C. S. Lewis

    C. S. Lewis, a British novelist, poet, and Christian apologist, has been called one of the most influential writers of the twentieth century. Read More

    Philip Yancey

    Philip Yancey has been helping Christians answer tough questions ever since he first addressed the problem of pain in his 1977 book Where Is God When It Hurts? Read More

    Eberhard Arnold

    Eberhard Arnold (1883–1935), a German theologian, was co-founder of the Bruderhof and the founding editor of Plough. Read More

    Edith Stein

    Edith Stein came from an Orthodox Jewish family. She became an atheist as a teenager, but at the age of thirty encountered the autobiography of Saint Teresa of Ávila, converted to Catholicism, and took vows as a Carmelite nun. Because of her Jewish ancestry she was executed at Auschwitz by the Nazis in August 1942. Read More

    Christoph Friedrich Blumhardt

    A German pastor and religious socialist, Christoph Friedrich Blumhardt influenced theologians such as Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Eberhard Arnold, Emil Brunner, Oscar Cullman, and Karl Barth. Read More

    J. Heinrich Arnold

    Johann Heinrich Arnold is best known for his books which have helped thousands to follow Christ in their daily lives. Those who knew him best remember Arnold as a down-to-earth man who would warmly welcome any troubled person in for a cup of coffee and a chat. Read More

    Fyodor Dostoyevsky

    One of the greatest writers of Western literature, Fyodor Dostoyevsky continues to receive undiminished popularity and acclaim. He is best known for his novels The Idiot, The Brothers Karamazov, and Crime and Punishment. Read More

    Dorothy L. Sayers

    Dorothy L. Sayers was a renowned British writer best known for her detective stories, as well as for her translation of Dante’s Divine Comedy. Read More

    Johann Christoph Arnold

    A noted speaker and writer on marriage, parenting, education, and end-of-life issues, Arnold was a senior pastor of the Bruderhof, a movement of Christian communities. Read More

    George MacDonald

    George MacDonald wrote over fifty books that are still cherished for their literary quality and spiritual insight. C. S. Lewis has said that MacDonald’s influence can be found in every book he wrote. Read More

    Henri J. M. Nouwen

    Henri J. M. Nouwen was an internationally loved and renowned priest, professor, and author. He wrote more than forty books offering spiritual guidance and direction. Read More

    Sadhu Sundar Singh

    Known in his lifetime as India’s most famous convert to Christianity, Sundar Singh would not approve of that characterization. He loved Jesus and devoted his life to knowing and following him, bringing to life his teachings for millions of Indians. Read More

    Thomas Merton

    Thomas Merton, a Trappist monk, pacifist, poet, and bestselling author, was a leading spiritual voice of his generation. Read More

    Christina Rossetti

    Christina Rossetti (1830–1894) was an English poet of the Victorian period. Read More

    Leo Tolstoy

    Leo Tolstoy (1828–1910) has been hailed by other literary giants as one of the world’s greatest writers. He is best known for his novels War and Peace and Anna Karenina. Read More

    N. T. Wright

    A leading bible scholar and former Anglican bishop, N.T. Wright is professor of New Testament and Early Christianity at the University of St. Andrews. Read More

    William H. Willimon

    Will Willimon is a professor at Duke Divinity School and a retired United Methodist bishop. Read More

    Meister Eckhart

    Famous as a mystic after his death, in life Meister Eckhart (ca. 1260–1328) was a noted scholar and active administrator, serving as a Dominican provincial and teaching at the University of Paris. Read More


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    Table of Contents

    Section I – Invitation

    • Oscar Wilde: The Ballad of Reading Gaol
    • Kathleen Norris: My Messy House
    • William Willimon: Repent
    • Walter Wangerin: In Mirrors
    • Barbara Cawthorne Crafton: Living Lent
    • Edna Hong: A Look Inside
    • Jean-Pierre de Caussade: Surrender Is Everything
    • Oswald Chambers: The Relinquished Life
    • Thomas à Kempis: The Royal Road
    • Thomas Merton: To Know the Cross
    • Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Discipleship and the Cross
    • Søren Kierkegaard: Followers, Not Admirers
    • J. Heinrich Arnold: The Center

    Section II – Temptation

    • Geoffrey Hill: Lachrimae Amantis
    • Philip Berrigan: Keeping Watch
    • Fleming Rutledge: The Common Criminal
    • Emil Brunner: The Divine Scandal
    • Barbara Brown Taylor: Truth to Tell
    • John Donne: They Took My Lord Away
    • Ernesto Cardenal: Remember Her
    • Meister Eckhart: Merchandising Truth
    • John Dear: Sheath Your Sword
    • Romano Guardini: Believing Is Seeing
    • Henry Drummond: Turning

    Section III – Passion

    • Kahlil Gibran: The Crucified
    • Christina Rossetti: Beneath Thy Cross
    • Blaise Pascal: The Mystery of Jesus
    • Jürgen Moltmann: Prisoner of Hope
    • Martin Luther: A Father’s Grief
    • Peter Kreeft: Shared Hells
    • Dag Hammarskjöld: For the Sacrificed
    • G. K. Chesterton: God the Rebel
    • Edith Stein: Thy Will Be Done
    • Wendell Berry: Still Bleeding
    • Dorothee Soelle: On This Gallows
    • Henri Nouwen: From Action to Passion
    • Mother Teresa: I Thirst for You

    Section IV – Crucifixion

    • Dylan Thomas: This Bread I Break
    • Saint Augustine: Our Mediator
    • Thomas Howard: The Crucifix
    • Morton T. Kelsey: The Cross and the Cellar
    • Simone Weil: The Distance
    • John Stott: Naked Pride
    • Brennan Manning: The Signature of Jesus
    • Toyohiko Kagawa and Sadhu Sundar Singh: Life in the Blood 
    • Dale Aukerman: The Central Murder
    • Alexander Stuart Baillie: Thirsting 
    • Watchman Nee: It Is Done 
    • George MacDonald: The Father’s Hands
    • Paul Tillich: A Cosmic Cross

    Section V – Resurrection

    • John Updike: Seven Stanzas at Easter
    • C. S. Lewis: The Strangest Story of All
    • Frederica Mathewes-Green: Merry Easter? 
    • Alister E. McGrath: In the Light of Victory
    • Howard Hageman: Paradise Now
    • Malcolm Muggeridge: Impending Resurrection 
    • Frederick Buechner: The End Is Life
    • Dorothy Sayers: The Greatest Drama
    • Karl Barth: Threatened by Resurrection
    • Walter J. Ciszek: Fear Not
    • Madeleine L’Engle: Waiting for Judas
    • Dorothy Day: The Mystery of the Poor
    • Philip Yancey: Jesus’ Reminders

    Section VI – New Life

    • John Masefield: The Everlasting Mercy
    • Leo Tolstoy: I, Like the Thief
    • Fyodor Dostoevsky: Redemption
    • Alfred Kazin: I Had Been Waiting
    • E. Stanley Jones: The Christ of Experience
    • Christoph Friedrich Blumhardt: Christ Rising
    • Amy Carmichael: Calvary Love
    • Johann Christoph Arnold: The Power of Forgiveness
    • Jürgen Moltmann: The Feast of Freedom
    • Clarence Jordan: At God’s Expense
    • Henri Nouwen: Jesus Gives All
    • Joyce Hollyday: An Invitation
    • N. T. Wright: A New World
    • John Howard Yoder: The Way of Peace
    • Eberhard Arnold: Spirit of Fire

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