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    The Crucified Is My Love

    Morning and Evening Devotions for the Holy Season of Lent

    Translated by Kathleen Hasenberg

    4.3 Stars on Goodreads Read Reviews

    Stirring morning and evening reflections for every day of the Lenten season.

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    About The Book

    Handed down for generations, these stirring readings for every day of the Lenten season spring from a pastor's heart. Expanding on the Gospel accounts, they draw the reader into deep contemplation of Christ's suffering, accompanying him in vivid detail on his last journey from Bethany to Golgotha. At every step, from his triumphal entry into Jerusalem and his last supper with his disciples to his betrayal and crucifixion, they reveal the depth of Christ's love for those he came to save – and the hope this holds for each of us and for the world.

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