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    Sunrise Clouds

    Reflections on Ascension

    By Oscar Romero

    May 24, 2017

    Available languages: español

    • Elizabeth Crehan

      Well worth reflecting on at any time of the year.

    • Richard


    • Eges Chima

      This is perfect. By Jesus Christ ascension into heaven, the mission was accomplished and assures we christians the glory of heaven.

    During his three years as archbishop of San Salvador, Oscar Romero became known as a fearless defender of the poor and suffering. His work on behalf of the oppressed earned him the admiration and love of the peasants he served and, finally, an assassin's bullet.

    Money is good,
    but selfish persons have made it bad and sinful.
    Power is good,
    but abuse by humans has made it something to fear.
    All has been created by God,
    but humans have subjected it to sin.
    And so Christ’s ascension proclaims
    that the whole creation
    will also be redeemed in him,
    because he will give the meaning
    of all that God has created,
    and at the end of time
    (in this will consist the final judgment)
    he will place at God’s feet
    the great adjudication of good and evil.
    Evil will be eliminated definitively
    and good will be taken up
    in the eternal glorification of Christ.
    The Lord’s ascension also marks the glorification
    of the universe.
    The universe rejoices, money rejoices, power rejoices,
    all material things –
    farms and estates, everything – rejoice because the day will come when the Supreme Judge
    will redeem from sin, from slavery, from shame,
    all that God has created
    and that humans are using for sin,
    for affront against their fellows.
    The redemption is already decreed,
    and in his power God has raised up Christ our Lord.
    Christ gone up to heaven is a witness to final justice.

    MAY 7, 1978

    It will always be Pentecost in the church,
    provided the church lets the beauty of the Holy Spirit
    shine forth from her countenance.
    When the church ceases to let her strength
    rest on the power from above –
    which Christ promised her
    and which he gave her on that day –
    and when the church leans rather on the weak forces
    of the power or wealth of this earth,
    then the church ceases to be newsworthy.
    The church will be fair to see,
    perennially young,
    attractive in every age,
    as long as she is faithful to the Spirit that floods her
    and she reflects that Spirit
    through her communities,
    through her pastors,
    through her very life.

    MAY 14, 1978

    From The Violence of Love
    Jesus shown ascending into heavens while the apostles, disciples, and two angels look on from below
    Contributed By OscarRomero Oscar Romero

    During his three years as archbishop of San Salvador, Oscar Romero became known as a fearless defender of the poor and suffering.

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