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    No One Can Stem the Tide

    Selected Poems 1931-1991

    4.19 Stars on Goodreads Read Reviews

    Evoking comparisons to such better-known contemporaries as Jane Kenyon and Denise Levertov, Jane Tyson Clement is direct and understated.

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    About The Book

    Though most of Jane Tyson Clement’s poems remained hidden in private notebooks during her lifetime, the few that traveled beyond her hands were widely admired and drew critical acclaim. Now, with this first comprehensive anthology of her work, the public can at last discover this gifted poet and give her the audience she deserves.

    Evoking comparisons to such better-known contemporaries as Jane Kenyon, Wendell Berry, and Denise Levertov, Clement is direct and understated. Even when technically sophisticated, her poetry speaks with a familiar voice and draws on images from the natural world.

    Still, these are no mere “nature poems.” In exploring love, longing, and loss; frustration, joy, and resolve, they reveal the tireless seeking of a generous and honest heart and beckon the reader down new avenues of seeing and hearing.

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    Table of Contents

    1. The Sea
    2. Love and Longing
    3. Art
    4. Nature – Read “Autumn” and “Harvest Dusk” poems from this chapter
    5. Time and Change – Read “At Summer’s End” poem from this chapter
    6. Self-knowledge
    7. Faith

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