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CheckoutHow can we make the gospel central to our lives?
For decades, Stanley Hauerwas has been provoking Christians with his insistence that if they would only follow their Master, it would impact all areas of life, from the personal to the societal.
The lanky Texan, whom Time magazine dubbed “America’s theologian” for his zinging insights into today’s ethical questions, says Christians should stop bemoaning their loss of cultural and political power and instead welcome their status as outsiders and embrace the radical alternative Jesus has had in mind for them all along.
These accessible readings selected from Hauerwas’s seminal books will introduce a timely, prophetic voice to another generation of followers of Jesus tired of religion as usual.
View Table of ContentsThis is the first book that I have read about writings by theologian Stanley Hauerwas and I must say, it was pleasantly surprising. Not only did it open my eyes to new viewpoints about living the Christian life, but I found his works to be enlightening. I was most struck by the concept presented regarding the difference between being a disciple versus being an admirer of Jesus. As a believer for 50 plus years, I had never even considered this before. I always assumed the two were melded together but Hauerwas gives a different picture. Of course believers admire Jesus and long to be his disciples, but to truly be a disciple of Christ, one must allow every aspect of their being to be permeated by the person of Christ while at the same time loving and supporting his or her community. This was a quick read and I would like to thank Plough publishing for providing me with an advanced reader copy. I would recommend this book to anyone desiring to understand how to live more like Christ.
This book changes everything. Stanley Hauerwas in "Jesus Changes Everything," edited by Charles E. Moore, is able to shed light on the powerful, yet simple, truths of true discipleship. The book is divided into chapters which illuminate Jesus' teachings on discipleship and His kingdom, which is not of this world. Some specific topics include "Our Daily Bread" which focuses on Jesus' admonition to pray only for daily bread. "On Judas' Side" challenges our societal attitudes about money and our relationships with the poor. "Sowing Seeds of Peace" expounds Jesus' teaching of forgiving those who hurt us and the importance of cultivating peace... to forgive as we have been forgiven. As I read, I was challenged to remove myself from the kingdom of this world, the arrogant and self-serving culture to really embrace the principles of Jesus' teaching. Hauerwas is a dynamic teacher who commands attention from his audience. I highly recommend this book. It cannot but change how you see, remove the world's blindness, and make you understand the freedom that comes with living true Christian principles. I'm rereading it. I received a copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review.
A wonderful collection of updated essays on a variety of topics. It’s like a distilled Hauerwas Reader for anyone interested in tracking Hauerwas’ thinking. As such, this book fills a significant gap in Hauerwas’ work: an engaging and easy to read primer for his work and thought. I will recommend this as where to start from now on. Excellent work by both Stanley Hauerwas and Charles E. Moore. Highly recommend!
For the curious, this collection is a fantastic place to start. Stanley is a provocative writer with substance underneath it - as I was reading this collection, I found myself often nodding my head as I was reminded time and again that following Jesus is supposed to come at a cost and shake things up. Here's hoping this collection introduces him to an entirely new generation.
A wonderful collection of updated essays on a variety of topics. It’s like a mini Hauerwas Reader for anyone interested in tracking Hauerwas’ thinking. As such, this book fills a significant gap in Hauerwas’ work: an engaging and easy to reader primer for his work and thought. I will recommend this as where to start from now on.
I've been reading Stanley Hauerwas for over twenty years. His writings are worth wrestling with. But warning! They might just pull you out of joint. This book is an excellent entry point for anyone seeking to familiarize themselves with the provocative, witty, and incisive perspectives of a man who, to his own surprise, became a "famous" American theologian.
As I read, I was challenged to remove myself from the kingdom of this world, the arrogant and self-serving culture, to embrace the principles of Jesus' teaching. Hauerwas is a dynamic teacher who commands attention from his audience. This book changes how you see, and makes you understand the freedom that comes with living true Christian principles. I'm rereading it.
1. Come, Follow Me
2. Far from Shore
3. The Kingdom in Person
4. Becoming Part of Christ’s Story
5. Love Is Not Enough
6. God’s Possible Impossibility
7. Kingdom Promises
8. Be Perfect
9. Subversive Righteousness
10. God’s New Language
11. Living Truthfully
12. A Community of Charity
13. Family and the Church
14. What about Wealth?
15. Living on Dishonest Wealth
16. Our Daily Bread
17. On Judas’s Side?
18. Habits of Peace
19. No Sword but the Cross
20. A Dangerous Business
21. God’s Imagination
22. The First Task of the Church
23. Jesus Is King
24. Christian Politics
25. The Difference Christ Makes