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    Jesus Changes Everything

    A New World Made Possible

    Introduction by Tish Harrison Warren

    4.79 Stars on Goodreads Read Reviews

    How can we make the gospel central to our lives?

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    About The Book

    For decades, Stanley Hauerwas has been provoking Christians with his insistence that if they would only follow their Master, it would impact all areas of life, from the personal to the societal.

    The lanky Texan, whom Time magazine dubbed “America’s theologian” for his zinging insights into today’s ethical questions, says Christians should stop bemoaning their loss of cultural and political power and instead welcome their status as outsiders and embrace the radical alternative Jesus has had in mind for them all along. 

    These accessible readings selected from Hauerwas’s seminal books will introduce a timely, prophetic voice to another generation of followers of Jesus tired of religion as usual.

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    Table of Contents

    Part I: Following Jesus

    1. Come, Follow Me
    2. Far from Shore
    3. The Kingdom in Person
    4. Becoming Part of Christ’s Story
    5. Love Is Not Enough

    Part II: Good News

    6. God’s Possible Impossibility
    7. Kingdom Promises
    8. Be Perfect
    9. Subversive Righteousness

    Part III: God’s Alternative Society

    10. God’s New Language
    11. Living Truthfully
    12. A Community of Charity
    13. Family and the Church

    Part IV: Kingdom Economics

    14. What about Wealth?
    15. Living on Dishonest Wealth
    16. Our Daily Bread
    17. On Judas’s Side?

    Part V: Sowing Seeds of Peace

    18. Habits of Peace
    19. No Sword but the Cross
    20. A Dangerous Business
    21. God’s Imagination

    Part VI: The Politics of Witness

    22. The First Task of the Church
    23. Jesus Is King
    24. Christian Politics
    25. The Difference Christ Makes