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    A Wordless Picture Book

    4.38 Stars on Goodreads Read Reviews

    A lavishly illustrated, biblically faithful, nuanced, and fun reimagining of one of the greatest stories of all time.

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    About The Book

    A hundred years before the Great Flood, a man named Noah came home talking crazy. God wanted him to build the biggest ship the world had ever seen. The future of humanity depended on it. How would his wife respond? What would the neighbors think? Was it even feasible?

    This lavish reimagining of one of the greatest stories of all time will fascinate children and adults alike. Nuanced, playful, and meticulous in following the biblical narrative, Mark Ludy’s world-class art digs deeper than the Sunday-school tale of cuddly animals, exploring Noah’s relationship with his family, the natural world, God – and a formidable engineering challenge.

    Immerse yourself in this stunning wordless epic. Whatever your age, you’ll never read this story in the same way again.

    Find Squeakers the mouse on every pageBonus: Find Squeakers the mouse on every page.

    About the Artist: Mark Ludy has written or illustrated eight children’s books including The Farmer, The Flower Man, The Grump, When I Was a Boy I Dreamed, When I Was a Girl I Dreamed, and Jujo the Youngest Tribesman. When he’s not immersed is his sketchbooks, you’ll find him in schools promoting art and literacy. He lives in Colorado with his wife, daughter, and two sons.

    Age Range: 2-102 years, Hardcover,
    11 x 8.5 inches, ISBN:978-0874866353


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