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    An Embassy Besieged

    The Story of a Christian Community in Nazi Germany

    Foreword by Johann Christoph Arnold

    4.33 Stars on Goodreads

    The story of a Christian community in Nazi Germany. This is an amazing account of a community who stayed true to the nonviolent way of the Cross, and how, despite relentless Nazi opposition, God protected and victoriously led them along the way.

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    About The Book

    Here for the first time in print is the story of a small group who dared to confront Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich with the love of Jesus Christ. Avoiding covert resistance on the one hand and complicity and compromise on the other, the Rhön Bruderhof, under the courageous leadership of Eberhard Arnold, boldly witnessed to the politics of the Kingdom of God in Nazi Germany. Although "less than a gnat to an elephant," in Arnold's words, they believed that as God's ambassadors love could overcome hatred-even of Adolf Hitler himself. This is an amazing account of a community who stayed true to the nonviolent way of the Cross, and how, despite relentless Nazi opposition, God protected and victoriously led them along the way.

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    Table of Contents

    1. Historical Background: The Path to Community
    2. Hitler’s Rise to Power
    3. March to April 1933
    4. May to June 1933
    5. June to October 1933
    6. October to November 1933
    7. Plebiscite and Raid
    8. November to December 1933
    9. January to February 1934
    10. February to May 1934
    11. June to July 1934
    1. Romans 13
    2. July to August 1934
    3. September to December 1934
    4. January to March 1935
    5. March to October 1935
    6. The Revelation of John
    7. November 1935
    8. December 1935 to July 1936
    9. August to December 1936
    10. January to April 1937
    11. May to July 1937

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