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    Now Is Eternity

    Comfort and Wisdom for Difficult Hours

    4.07 Stars on Goodreads Read Reviews

    A collection of seventy short but striking Christian meditations to battle weariness and despair.

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    Softcover Buy for $8.00

    About The Book

    Bad days are one thing – everyone has them now and then. But what about the darker clouds that settle over a life for weeks or even months at a time? What about separation and divorce, prolonged illness and hospitalization? What about the loss of a friend or a parent, the absence of a child or a spouse?

    Sometimes there is nothing you can say in the face of death or illness. The simplicity of this little volume offers something most well-meaning sympathy cards forget: a gentle insistence that there is still a God who watches over all, and a stubborn faith that the worst trials of life’s difficult hours will one day be over shadowed by his comfort and peace.

    In reminding us of the power conferred by hope and faith, Now Is Eternity is a source of daily strength. Given the understated beauty and brevity of its texts, it is one the thirsty reader will surely come back to again and again.

    Christoph Friedrich Blumhardt (1842-1919) influenced a whole generation of Europeans, including Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Emil Brunner, Oscar Cullman, and Karl Barth. His father, Johann Christoph Blumhardt (1805-1880) was a Swabian pastor and is regarded by many as the father of German pietism.

    Softcover, 5 x 7
    ISBN: 978-0874869934

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